Sunday, December 18, 2011

86 Traitors to the United States are hidden within congress.

This year’s National Defense Authorization Act has just passed through the Senate. It is in direct competition to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Every single of these sentors are now traitors to the very thing they vowed to uphold and protect.
The NDAA is not a new law, it has been passed and updated for the last 48 years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense. The problem comes however with a new provision to the NDAA. Section 1031 allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without a trial or hearing. This goes against everything everything  our founders ever had envisioned for us.

An amendment, Section 1032, stating the intent is not to change existing common law, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, which ruled that lawful United States citizens have the right to challenge their detention before an impartial judge and military commissions (such as those at Guantanamo Bay) lack the power to proceed, respectively. The very fact though that they need such a amendment shows how terrifying this law is though. I also have questions about the wording. What determines  "Lawful United States Citizens", if i have broken a law and they pick me up can i then be held indefinitely? Does it matter the law? Either way what stop them from saying i broke a law just because they don't like something i did. If i am being held indefinitely how do i prove i didn't do it in the first place. To me it sounds like a giant "You have nothing to fear if you did nothing wrong". However when they are using such propaganda it is a great time to fear.

Should be no surprise that Jim Inhofe (R-OK) voted for it. His voting record aliens right up there with many republican oklahomians. Inhofe is in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, against adding sexual orientation to the definition of hate crimes, and voted against prohibiting job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. So for him to throw the Constitution in our faces is not that big of a surprise. Every member that voted for the NDAA  should be impeached immediately, or at minimal not be re-elected when the times comes. Here is a list of all the Y EAs. Everyone of these senators needs to know we will not accept this blatant disregard of human and civil rights much less the Constitution on which they have vowed to uphold.

YEAs —86
Akaka (D-HI)
Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Baucus (D-MT)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Brown (R-MA)
Burr (R-NC)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coats (R-IN)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Coons (D-DE)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hagan (D-NC)
Hatch (R-UT)
Heller (R-NV)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Inouye (D-HI)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Johnson (D-SD)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kirk (R-IL)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lugar (R-IN)
Manchin (D-WV)
McCain (R-AZ)
McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Portman (R-OH)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Rubio (R-FL)
Schumer (D-NY)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Thune (R-SD)
Toomey (R-PA)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Vitter (R-LA)
Warner (D-VA)
Webb (D-VA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)

Then here is the 13 Senators who opposed the final* version of the bill. I was kinda of surprised to see Coburn on this list. While i still do not like Coburn that much, i can at least respect him for this. As well on this list is the former funny man Franken. This list should have been much longer if you ask me. It saddens me that there are only 13 people on this list.

NAY - 13
Cardin (D-MD)
Coburn (R-OK)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Durbin (D-IL)
Franken (D-MN)
Harkin (D-IA)
Lee (R-UT)
Merkley (D-OR)
Paul (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Sanders (I-VT)
Wyden (D-OR

*The original bill that went though the senate was passed by a 93 to 7 vote. This vote was the final version after the house voted on it as well.

Add this law to SOPA, Stop Online Piracy Act, that they are trying to pass right now and all civil and human rights will have effectively been stripped away. Free speech will be a thing of the past. I will talk more on SOPA a bit later but just know that if passed the internet will never be the same again. As with the NDAA anyone who supports this bill, which there is a lot, are traitors to the US and our Constitution.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let it snow.

Search "let it snow" on Google. You won't be disappointed.

That is all!

Friday, November 11, 2011

New commenting system

So i have decided to implant a new comment system here on blogger. The default commenting system is highly limiting and it started to bug me. After stumbling onto a way to add disqus to blogger i decided to jump on to opportunity and have add it. While you can use Disqus as a guest, does require a email though, it is not hard to make an account and will make the commenting section that much better. They give you a lot of ways to make an account as well. Such as making an native Disqus account or making one with Google, twitter or  your Facebook account.

Disqus adds a lot of functionally the normal comments just don't have. The most important one is being able to reply to comments and have it actually create comment trees and along with that comes comment notifications. Which not having has always bug the living hell out of me.

I think everything will go smoothly but if something wacky does happen this is probably why, and i will try to fix it as soon as possible.


Edit: Seems like it takes a bit for comments to show up, or well i am hoping that is all that is going on. I will see if that can be fixed or not. If comments don't show up right away or soon after it kinda kills this whole thing.

Edit: Now they are showing up right away. Maybe it just at first which i can deal with.It also seems i cant reply to myself here while odd, since i can other places, doesn't affect me much. So all looks good right now.

Edit: (Should be the last one lol) Disqus isn't working on the mobile site and is using the default comments. If you comment on the mobile site the comments wont show up on the normal site. So try not to comment on teh mobile site if you can. Why isn't it working you ask? Well after digging into the internet ( serching google for 5 secs) looks like Google disables widgets, what disqus uses,thus it not showing up. I found a few people saying this is being worked on and when it gets fixed it should fix itself on my end. So here to hoping it gets fixed soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Adventures of Beef Thompson: Vampire Hunter

So one of my favorite Nerdcore rappers, beefy... just don't you dare call him MC, has just dropped a new album. You all should pick it up, right now! As usual he brings the nerd hotness with this new release with great new songs like, god hates fangs and too good for me, among many others. While the album is free, a name your price feature is also active so you can throw in however much you think the album is worth. Which if you like the album at all and can afford it i suggest you do. Got to support the artist and what they love to do after all.

I have been listening to the whole album on repeat since it dropped and got to say i love almost every song on it. My favorites probably being god hates fangs, too good for me, Shots [f. Adam Warrock] and nerdcore-now. They all have something special about them though, like PAXXX which i thought was a strange song at first but is actually a song about a posting that was found for an orgy at pax on Craigslist. After that the song became funny as hell if not still strange. haha. From beefy's own words about the song
A couple years ago during the lead up to PAX Prime, it was discovered that there was an invite on craigslist to an orgy for PAX attendees (kotaku, joystiq). I thought it was only right to represent for these bold champions and discuss my future PAXXX plans.
Where as God hate fangs is an amazing song inspired by true blood. So what not to like?
I'm a fan of True Blood. It is easily the biggest guilty pleasure show I watch, but I care not. I eagerly await each and every episode. This is my ode to the Southern Vampire Mysteries.
I could go on for ever talking about each song but i think you need to discovers them for yourself so go and download the album and donate some if you can.


the adventures of Beef Thompson: vampire hunter
Beefy bandcamp

Monday, October 3, 2011

new same old ownership

I changed which account had control of this blog. The old account, now know as ohgodwhathappened lol, has been transferred to a new account and all new post will be from here. so if anything strange happens that is why. Looks like i don't have followers anymore O_o so no one will likely see this lol. EDIT: nvm followers are back

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Doctor jizzed his pants.

Well here you go, jizz in my pants, done by The Doctor. It is actually really well made too. The scenes fit really well with the music.

Link to YouTube just in case it doesn't work .... and credit i guess lol

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Oh movie, how ridiculous you are.

pop quiz time children!
So what should you do right after excapeing from the kgb, who has already tracked you all across the state by the wonders of "hacking"* and You are now hiding/riding on a train with a (admittedly fairly hot) women, who the kgb want dead for some reason. 

A: bunker down and load up on guns and wait to fight it out.
B: load up on guns and take the fight to them.
C: have angry sex (at least at first but then it becomes the sweet kind with sappy music)** with said female because It is not like the KGB will track you down ... like they very have before....every damn time.

and the correct answer is C of course. You Always have angry sex while being chased by a hit squad bent on killing the women you are with, and you by association. That is always the best course of action...always. Then again if you do least you had sex one last time..right????  Shrugs, oh the wonders of movies.

* the hollywood kinda of hacking were everything is connected not only to other computers but the internet as a whole.

** you know just like every hollywood angry sex scene. It is angry to sappy sweet with cheesy music in 5 seconds.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The pen might be mightier then the sword, but it can't beat the railgun.

So if you pay attention to tech stories at all, and knowing the people who will/might read this i know you don't, you know that in the world of tech, mostly in the phone market, the saying is sue first, ask questions later. The likes of Apple, HTC, Samsung, Microsoft, and many others are suing the crap out of each other. Mostly Apple suing HTC, Samsung, Motorola, ect and then them counter suing but still. the suing is getting crazy, making Google go so far to buy Motorola to get their 17000+ patents they currently have, for 12.5 billion dollars. Yes i did say billion. Anyways the reason i am telling you this is to get you up to date, so i can lead into what i really wanted to talk about.

Joining the fray of the sue happy is Bethesda. If you know know who Bethesda is they are the creators of the likes of Morriwind, Oblivion and soon to be released Skyrim, among many others, like quake and doom. Who are they suing you ask? They are suing Markus "Notch" Persson, the man behind Minecraft and head of Mojang. Notch has a new game in the works called Scrolls, a card based game, to my understanding. it is kinda like Magic the Gathering or Pokemon but for the computer, or possible the phone. Bethesda thinks Scrolls infringes on their name "the elder scrolls". Many people find this kinda crazy however, since for one, hardly any one calls it the elder scrolls and simply it second name, like Oblivion or Skyrim. Then second, because  "scrolls" is nothing like "The elder scrolls". If it was the accident scrolls, ok maybe. But just the one word should not be a trademark infringement. Then thrid, the game are nothing a like either. One is a RPG and the other is a card based game. If they were both RPGs even, maybe i would understand, but it is not.

However because of this, scrolls has got a bit of media, mostly tech blogs. Notch being the brilliant man he is has turned a bit of news and a potentially costly lawsuit into a thing of genius. He has come out and challenged Bethesda to a game of quake 3 deathmatch. A two round, 3 on 3 Quake 3 arena deathmatch, highest frag count wins. With each side picking a map to play on, so to be fair. If Notch wins, he keeps the name and they drop the suit, if Bethesda wins Notch will change his name, with no costly suit for either side. This is a beyond genius move. The likelihood of Bethesda agreeing is probably slim. However, if they did the PR, for both Notch and Bethesda, would be off the charts amazing, no matter who wins. It could even be live streamed so anyone could watch it. If Bethesda doesn't agree to this however, it is still a good move for Notch. He gets the support of thousands of people and gets his game out there in the news. He would be the bigger man, that a big bad company is trying to squish, more so then the image is already there. Even if he backs down and changes his name, or takes the case to court and loses, that is all going to be covered and is more about his game, with its new name as well. Or if he wins, it is a triumph for the little guy, or so it will be reported, and his game will still be put out in the news. Either way Notch wins in a PR move,  it is only a matter of how Bethesda comes out of this looking. They have a chance to take an amazing PR move and run with it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lollipop Chainsaw, That is all!

Yes what you just saw, that is if you watched the video, if you didn't shame on you, is a very real game coming in 2012. Oddly enough i want to play it a lot, which has nothing to do with half a dressed cheerleader wielding a chainsaw either....mostly. It honestly just looks like a fun zombie game, what i have seen makes it seem even parody-ish of a zombie game. Also come on you know you loved that the last zombie POPed open and it had rainbow blood. Whether that is a feature in the game, it so should be if not, or just artist licensing in the trailer is yet to be seen. I also happen to love their song choose, not so much for the song itself though. It just seemed to work with that whole sweet and innocent but zombie game vibe(aka kinda zombie game parody-ish like i said).

Well that is all for today i guess. Hope you enjoyed Lollipop chainsaw

Sunday, August 14, 2011

entitlement = socialism but only when it is not directly effecting me!

So a couple a days ago gawker posted this article about Fox news anchor Megyn ( wtf kinda spelling is that, anyways) Kelly, defending maternity leave, her maternity leave to be exact. I had mixed emotions with this though because, logically i agree with what she is saying, and the dude was kinda a douche, but what she said just didn't sit right with me. So now that it affected her directly her maternity leave is great and wonderful and so not socialism ideas. Here is some of what she says, including some very socialistic ideas. Oh, and she tears down the douche pretty good.
MK: Just in case you didn't know, Mike, I want you to know that the United States is the only country in the advanced world that doesn't require paid maternity leave. Now I happen to work for a nice employer that gave me paid leave. But the United States is the only advanced country that doesn't require paid leave. If anything, the United States is in the dark ages when it comes to maternity leave. And what is it about carrying a baby for nine months, that you don't think deserves a few months off so bonding and recovery can take place, hmm?

MG: Well, do men get maternity leaves?
MK: Guess what honey? Yes, they do. It's called Family Medical Leave Act. If men would like to take three months off to take care of their newborn baby, they can.

Ok see, what she says is logical and makes sense and i agree with her, which is odd to agree with someone from Fox, lol.. It is true that The United States doesn't require paid leave, unlike other "advanced" countries. The problem i have with her saying this though is she works for fucking Fox News! I had the urge to scream at her that you know what these other "advanced" countries have that we America doesn't have? A Socialist government! And Fox loves to rail against socialist...well anything, as well as accuse Obama of being for such a government. I am sure i could find past videos of megyn herself, complaining about these entitlements, and many others. Though, I figured I would just let Jon Stewart do it for me, and he sums up the whole "entitlement = socialism but only when it is not directly effecting me" bullshit too, quite nicely if i might add with a George Carlin video. Enjoy! The good part starts about 50 seconds in.
PS. He also shows a nice clip of her railing against, the mentioned family medical leave act. Saying the it called "MAternity" leave for a reason, implying it should just be for mothers.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

just wow on the name choice

Just not sure what to say about this. There are so many jokes, i am speechless. LOL.

So do you want a pussy energy drink? lol

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

dicks in MMORPG games.

This just cracked me up after reading a article about dicks in MMORPG games. This si the number one dick move and i have to admit, it is a brilliant dick move at least. LOL read and i hope you find it as funny as i did. the link to the full article will be at the bottom.
 The Ultimate Investment Scam (EVE)

Player "Cally" won at EVE Online despite it being a massively multiplayer game with no victory condition. Other players earn ISK (game currency) by mining, completing quests or killing each other. Cally, on the other hand, simply asked for it. And it worked, and there was nothing they could do about it. Because while the other losers went into the economy as honest workers, or corporations, he realized he could go in as a bank.
The novice mode for illegal profiteering.
He spent months running the "EVE Intergalactic Bank (EIB)." This offered loans for start-up EVE corporations and miners who wanted to buy tools, with interest rates and repayment plans and yes, we're still talking about a game people apparently play for fun.

Move over Pac-Man!
Cally certainly had fun: He fulfilled the secret fantasy of every bank manager in history, when one day, he walked in and just took all the money. All the money was 790 billion ISK, about $170,000 in real dollars, which he used to become the greatest video game villain of all time. He spent a huge chunk of the money to buy a ridiculously powerful warship, another chunk posting a huge bounty on his own head, then sailed off into space just daring people to kill him.

Something like this -- the biggest middle finger in history.
The ultimate dickery? He posted a 15-minute video bragging about how he got away with it, mocking his loyal employees at EIB, enemies who failed to stop him and the suckers who basically paid for a second job -- essentially paying for the right to have their money stolen. Understand: Cally is now officially smarter than every Bond villain put together, because he found a way to give an expository monologue without getting killed.

This is all. Enjoy and luagh, LUAGH i said!

If MMORPG players were around when God said, "Let their be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it.


Friday, July 22, 2011

teenagers ( like up to 15 - 16 mostly ) and younger are whinny litle bitches

This link is a blog post in response to this question over at Google. Honestly, all i hear is crying, from mostly people 15 and under, because Google has decided to not let any one under 18 into Google+ as of right now, do to safety concerns. Do they really feel that entitled to everything on the internet? Also, to the ones upset that no one under 13 will be allowed at all, really? Do some fucking research, Google would get in a lot of trouble if they did. It is an American law, that wont let companies to keep data on anyone younger then 13, and they must abide by it. If you are younger then 13, wtf do you need a social networking site for anyways? Get your ass outside and play instead. You know i think they should keep it at 18+ and let all the whinny bitches go play on Facebook instead. If we get Facebook to block them as well, maybe we can end cyberbulling for these weak little shits after all.

Grumble grumble, so much for any hope for the younger generation, not being whinny little asshats, who think they deserve everything handed to them.

Ok cya for real now i think,
i do i have one more post i want to make, but i am taking my time on it and might not get it out today.

So talk to you later.

Al franken is an amazing senator.

Alan Stuart "Al" Franken (born May 21, 1951) is the junior United States Senator from Minnesota. Franken before becoming a senator achieved note as a writer and performer for the television show Saturday Night Live from its inception in 1975 before moving to writing and acting in films and television shows. He then became a political commentator, author of five books and host of a nationally syndicated radio show on the Air America Radio network. Then in 2008, Franken narrowly defeated incumbent Republican Senator Norm Coleman, and then he was sworn in to the Senate on July 7, 2009.

Why am i telling you all this? Well, mostly to introduce you to the most amazing senator ever. Want to know why he is the most amazing senator ever? No, it not because he was on SNL, it is because he, unlike so many, is a true senator. How is he a true senator you ask? Well that is easy, he doesn't just go along with what is told to him. He reads and questions anything in front of him and ask the hard questions. Here is a clip at a resent meeting about DOMA ( defense of marriage act, if you didn't know. Which is a minimal a shitty law, and at worst a law that actually hurts children of gay couples, which one of the founders of DOMA admitted to actually). Watch Al, catch focus on the family ( a shitty activist group some call a hate activist group)  witness in a horrible horrible shitty lie, which all Al had to do to catch him was read the report which was presented to him by focus on the family. Watch and enjoy as much as i did.

I really wish we had more senator like AL, who actually did their jobs, like Al just did. I have seen other chips of him as well, tearing down the likes of apple and many others in stupid lies. I honestly don't know what Al, personal feeling on DOMA and FotF are, but that shouldn't matter as he is showing here. He is only doing his job of exposing the lies and asking questions. If every senator was like Al, America would be a much better place.

Well that is all peace out


Click this link and read the OP and teh frist two comments, clicking on the picture link.

That is all and have a good

Monday, July 18, 2011

WTF Arkansas

So in my daily surfing of the intertubes, i came across an article about a small town in Arkansas, they only have about 850 citizens, where the city console has made a power play for, unconstitutional, right on who can gather and have groups. Who makes power plays in small ass towns, i mean really? Anyways,
"The city council of Gould, Arkansas just passed an ordinance that forbids "new organizations" from forming without their permission. This applies to any organization, from book groups to Justin Beiber Fan Club chapters—but especially applies to groups that like to talk local politics."
This is a blatant disrespect of the first amendment. However, Some have suggest that the amendments don't necessarily apply to local governments, with out a court saying so at least, but it is all a non issue because Arkansas STATE constitutions also granted the right to assemble. Meaning at the very least they are breaking the states constitution and possibly the federal one.

Because it's so squishy language-wise, the ordinance seems to forbid the 850 or so residents from discussing local politics in any way, anywhere.
This could be anything from talking about politics at the dinner table to talking about them with hair dresser. This is an insane thing to do and try to enforce. What kinda person tries to put this much control into their hands? Who is elected right now to city council? Neo- Nazi? Even ignoring the legality of this law, what kinda of asinine group think they have the right to control people, they supposedly represent, like this. But it gets so much better.
Meetings between citizens and the town mayor that take place without the council's authorization are now illegal as well.
 Want a meeting with the mayor after this becomes law? Well if the city council doesn't like it, you are shit out of luck. See the real power play now? They have effectively taking everything from the mayor. With this the city council now pretty much have control of the whole city. Want to talk to the mayor about a law that is being put in place by the city council, that you don't like? Well, now the same city council that is putting in the law, gets to decided if you get to talk to the mayor, who does still have veto power over new laws. If you can't talk to the mayor, the mayor doesnt know the concerns of his people, potentionally ( i mean there is only 850 of them after all lol ), and wouldn't know what to veto based on their concerns.

So speaking of the mayor, where is he in all of this? He is standing by his townsmen ( or should i be PC and say townspeople?), the major has actually vetoed the ordinance once, because it is unconstitutional, but fears at the next meeting, it will get the green-light from the council, who has already overrode his veto.
the mayor of Gould, Earnest Nash, vetoed the ordinance for reasons having to do with the U.S. Constitution, which mentions freedom of speech and the right of assembly somewhere. But the council overrode his veto, and will surely give the official green-light to their legislative masterpiece at their next meeting, scheduled for August.
 So what is the mayor plans now, that the council have overrode his veto? Will he lye down and let it happen? According to him, he is ready to fight tooth and nail for his town and their rights. He is ready to, both, fight them in court, which hopefully would be overturned quickly, or even go to jail fighting them.
Nash says he's willing to go to jail—or court, or both—to stop final passage of the ordinance, which even the Gould city attorney has deemed unlawful. (As a show of gratitude for the attorney's analysis, the council reportedly tried to fire him.)
Yes you read that right, after the city attorney disagreed with the council, they reportedly tired to fire him. It is plainly obvious that this council has gone insane with power. Why or how, i will never understand. I mean it fucking city council after all. I think there needs to be an investigation into them and most, if not all, impeached from office. Either way, i don't see any of them getting reelected, which is funny, because maybe this is what this whole thing is about. Trying to stay in office. Way to not be effective at all.

When reporters asked members of the council, what started all this, because you know something was the catalyst for this, it didn't come from no where. Members just said, that they didn't have the funding for the building that the Gould Citizens Advisory Council, where using. When question further about why this meant they couldn't still meet, at other location not funded by the city, and others could be formed. The council only said they thought this should be city protocol.

I am still flabbergasted by this, i still cant understand what the city council thinks they are doing, besides power plays and what not. Do they honestly believe they have the right to take other peoples rights away? I just don't get it really. However, i am glad to see the mayor is in the corner of the people of Gould, and the Constitution. I wish him luck in getting this overturned or not enacted at all, which i don't see being a problem, and getting his city back to normal.

I think you should head over to foxnew site and watch the full video with the interview with the mayor, to get the full scope of it all.

I guess this is all in my installment of, WHAT THE FUCK THE INTERNETS GOT TO SHOW ME.
( hmm maybe i should really turn that into something LOL )

LINKS: ( lol fox news but it local fox news so it not so bad.... it could be a lot worse at least)

Ok cya later
a birdkeeper

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why you should convert to Flying Spaghetti Monsterism!

Well it is clear once you know these things.
  • Flimsy moral standards.
  • Every Friday is a religious holiday.
    If your work/school objects to that,
    demand your religious beliefs are
    respected and threaten to call the ACLU.
  • Our heaven is WAY better.
    We've got a Stripper Factory
    AND a Beer Volcano. 

        If those things don't make it clear why you would want to join let me get more into it. As a member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, i have found much wisdom from accepting his Noodlliness words as the one and only truth. I have affectedly been touched by his Noodly Appendage.

        Some have claim that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. These people are mistaken. The Church of FSM is real, totally legit, and backed by hard science. Anything that comes across as humor or satire is purely coincidental. With millions, if not thousands, of devout worshippers, the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents – mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs.

So yes Pastafarianism is a real religion. Most of us however do not believe a religion – Christianity, Islam, Pastafarianiasm etc – requires literal belief in order to provide spiritual enlightenment. That is, we can be part of a community without becoming indoctrinated. There are many levels of belief. By design, the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the rejection of dogma. That is, there are no strict rules and regulations, there are no rote rituals and prayers and other nonsense. Every member has a say in what this church is and what it becomes. To outsiders it makes us hard to define, but here are some more general things that can be said about our beliefs:
  • We believe pirates, the original Pastafarians, were peaceful explorers and it was due to Christian misinformation that they have an image of outcast criminals today
  • We are fond of beer
  • Every Friday is a Religious Holiday
  • We do not take ourselves too seriously
  • We embrace contradictions (though in that we are hardly unique)
       Now you are probably asking yourself is this a joke, so just let me state that It’s not a joke. Elements of our religion are often described as satire and there are many members who do not literally believe our scripture, but this isn’t unusual in religion – it’s only more obvious in the case of our particular religion. A lot of Christians, for example, don’t believe the Bible is literally true – but that doesn’t mean they aren’t True Christians. If you say Pastafarians must believe in a literal Flying Spaghetti Monster to be True Believers, then you can make a similar argument for Christians. There is a lot of outlandish stuff in the Bible that rational Christians choose to ignore. We do the same with our scripture. This is intentional.

We’re are also not anti-religion, even if comes across like that. This is also NOT an atheists club. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join our church including current members of other religions. In addition to the Atheists, Agnostics, and Freethinkers who have joined us, we have a number of Christian (and Muslim, and Hindu and Buddhist …) members and more are welcome. So let me make this clear: we are not anti-religion, we are anti- crazy nonsense done in the name of religion. There is a big difference. Our ideal is to scrutinize ideas and actions but ignore general labels.

      If you still don't believe any of us believe this, well some Pastafarians honestly believe in the FSM, and some see it as satire. I would just make the point that satire is an honest, legitimate basis for religion. Satire relies on truth to be effective. If it’s a joke, it’s a joke where to understand the punchline you must be conscious of underlying truth. Compare our religion to those that are built on lies. I am not talking necessarily about mainstream religions (which themselves are often full of mysticism and ad-hoc reasoning), but think of cults, or churches where the leaders are scamming their followers out of money. These are groups where the followers fully believe. Are these churches legitimate since they have many True Believers?
Or can we agree that religion is as much about community as any shared faith. By any rational metric, Pastafarians are as legimate a religious group as any. Arguably more so, since we’re honest and rational.

If everything i have told you so far hasn't convinced you that the CotFSM is right for you. Maybe this will help, it was really an eye opening experience for me and i hope to live up to the standard of our prophet Bobby, much of what i have written copied and pasted is his words actually.

"But nonbelievers are overreaching when they dismiss the phenomenon of religion as wrong and useless because it so often lacks a basis in evidence. The fact that millions of people get something positive out of a religion – even if it is based in superstition – *does* mean something. But that’s not to say it’s True, only that it has Value. For many people, religion is about being part of a community and being part of something bigger and more important than themselves

Nonbelievers would be better off criticizing only on the negative, damaging parts of religion, and being less judgmental about the idea of religion in general. Nonbelievers get hung up asking for evidence when really we should be looking at why does religion thrive despite evidence? We should be pushing the idea that faith is not equivalent to evidence-based-reasoning without insisting that it’s inferior, only that they are different ways of seeing the world. And that the problems happen when these world views clash." 

      My bases for not liking religion, not just Christianity they are just the loudest, for a long time was a lack of evidence, and all who followed such a religion was obviously stupid to me, because they couldn't see the lack of evidence. Who could put myth and superstition before science and evidence, i always wondered. Our prophet Bobby, both explained that and showed me my errors of my way. I still think religion as a whole is not the answer and that rational thinking is still better, as do many followers of FSM, it one of the main things we believe actually, that rational thinking is a good thing. However, that doesn't mean that people following a religion don't have a personal reason and belief in what they think and that they don't get something out of it. And that means it does have value, to them, and no matter what i think, i can't dispute that value. I still support rational thinking, as i already said, but i can't put them down for that personal belief that give them value, i can however disagree and we can have debates about it, but i can do it civilly as well. I hope that they can do the same with me.

If nothing else, we also want a pirate ship. Does your religion want a pirate ship? Didn't think so.

So now you want to be a Pastafarian, what do you have to do you ask?
Nothing, If you want to be a pastafarian you are. You’ll notice there’s no hoops to jump through. You don’t need to pay anything. You are just a pastafarian as soon as you want to be.
I think i have talked enough now so i will leave you with this
A FSM believer and birdkeeper.


CotFSM ABOUT PAGE( where much of this was copypasted from ) 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

the wounders of the internets and the stupid people of the world.

So in my wonderful trip around the world of the interwebs today, i have come around a couple articles i would like to share with you.

First off, we start with Casey Anthony, oh but not the 25 year old white female Casey Anthony, that you all love oh so much ( er or did i mean hate? i forget the difference some times lol ), but no the 43-year-old black male from Darby, PA. Why am i talking about him? Because he has the unfortunate circumstance to have that name, along with his two sons,... why he named, not one but two kids after him i wont even get into. Since the the trial ended, and probably somewhat before it, Mister Anthony's Facebook has been flooded with messages and friend invites and the likes. His phone number was visible on his profile as well, and as such the phone calls started rolling in shortly after and has since had to start screening his call. He hasn't felt to threatened yet, so he hasn't gotten the police involved, but some message are on the verge of death threats i gather. If you are still wondering why i am telling you all this, it is because i have to wounder, what kinda of stupid does it take to mistake a 43 year old black man for a 25 year old white woman. Granted i haven't seen his Facebook, and maybe he doesn't have a  single image of him or something, but i highly doubt it. There are other ways to tell that this isn't the right Casey as well. Like he lives in Darby, PA and not Florida. Umm and oh yeah, Non of the other other information matches up either? What went thru their heads? Oh this is a black man from PA, and none of this information matches with the Casey Anthony from Florida..... SHE IS TRYING TO FOOL US!! BURN IT WITH FIRE FACEBOOK MESSAGES? I mean really, does anyone think before the knee jerk reaction kicks in? It is like faster the knee jerk, the lower the IQ or something. Part of me wants to blame this on Facebook, since i just don't like it lol, but honestly people where like this before it was around as well, i cant really. Facebook as just made it easier to be a fucking dumb ass. Ohhhh, maybe that can be their new slogan, "Facebook - We make it easier for you to be a dumbass!" haha. Anyways if you want the whole story and a news video about the guy, hit the link and check it out.

Now onto my other article, That isn't as stupid, at least to me. I just find it funny.
So if you new to the Internets, or don't dive to it simi deeper depths. You may never heard of the, pastafarianism, or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Well three years ago, self-confessed atheist, Mr Alm, who says he belongs to the CotFSM ( it a lot to type out) decided to apply for a driver license, after reading that headgear was allowed in official pictures only for confessional reasons.The headgear in question you ask? A pasta strainer, yes the man wanted to wear a pasta strainer, what else would you wear? After 3 years and a mental health test, to see if he was fit to drive, the police finally allowed the man to hear his headgear in his picture. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has also wrote to the Kansas School Board asking for the pastafarian version of intelligent design to be taught to schoolchildren, as an alternative to the Christian theory. So what next for the Mr. Alm and the church you ask? he says the next step is to apply to the Austrian authorities for pastafarianism to become an officially recognized faith. I wish him luck, and hope to see the CotFSM views being thought in schools all over the place. To read the whole story, click the link and check it out.

Well that is all for now i guess i just found those really funny and or stupid enough to post about.

a birdkeeper.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

guess it been a while huh?

Hey people who don't read my blog. It has been awhile, even now i don't have alot to say but i will try to think of some stuff.

Well first off, i got me some new swords, when i get around to taking pictures i will probably upload them. With the new ones, 5 total, 2 being the same though, i have about 8 now. I will try to get some pictures up later i guess. I am sending trying to send a few back though, one for a refund and another for just a replacement. I emailed the company, lets see what they have to say. Hopefully all goes good and i get my refund and replacement. Other then that not much else going on in that area.

My sister has moved back home and she is already kinda bugging me, but i guess that is sisters. Hopefully, it is just her being back and i just have to re get used to it and all goes back to normal and what not soons.

umm what else, huh oh, i guess we are kinda close to playing dnd, after weeks and weeks, but not sure we are going to play in my house now so we kinda gotta find a new place again.

Now to wrap this up, i would like to post an image that both made me luagh and is very true. According to the bible this is what the holy sanction of  marriage is. Yet same-sex marriage, and many other types is a sin above all else. Hell even some of the things in this chart, is now a sin/illegal to many even though it was very clear it wasn't then. So they can't even get it all straight on what their bible say = marriage. lol. well that is all for now enjoy.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Glowing eggs of doom!

Laser + light eggs = glowing eggs of doom!

What makes them doom-y? see it has to do with its egg-y shape....and light? ....or something like that! lol

Much pain!

I guess thus morning I hurt my back and am now in much pain. This sucks, I have taken a pain kilter and muscle relaxer, which helps but not enough. I hope this heals itself soon.

Not much else is happening, since I can't do much right now. So peace for now.
A - hurt- bridkeeper


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Broken computer Screen... meet airsoft gun.

So not a whole lot has been going on since my last post. I did however fix my friends computer. The screen was broken, a good portion of the screen was cracked thus was unusable. After getting the part in, the installation was pretty easy. It was up and working in no time.

So what did we do with the old broken screen, you ask? What else, we shot it with airsoft guns! What did you expect of me and my friends? Lol. The shotgun being more powerful then the pistol, since it has a bigger spring....i am sure there is a penis joke in that...but anyways lol, it did the most damage. Even then the screen held up fairly well. It did have some pretty big dents though lol. Pictures are at the bottom of this post.

Outside of that not much else is going on right now, so peace.

A birdkeeper

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dear USA Record Labels:

Fuck you!

Now that, that is out of the way, please let me explain.
The music labels, the movie industry has there own problems as well, ar fucking dumb. The all you can eat, smash hit, music streaming service, in Europe, Spotify, has been trying to for a while to get across the pond. Think Netflix movie streaming but just for music. Great idea huh? A lot of people have thought so too, since it popular in Europe and tons of people have been asking for it here in America as well. But because of the record labels, it still isn't here. I understand they need to make money as well, i do however think they are outdated, but they would make more money by giving the customers what they want. I hear people all the time say, they quite pirating movies because of Netflix or they would if they catalog of streaming movies was bigger and they didn't rotate out movie. I, myself, am one of those heathen movie pirate converts as well. Why deal with the hassle of pirating when i can just stream shit. I am lazy and would rather pay the 8 bucks to stream then the hours it take to download one movie. For that 8 bucks, i also get to sort what i want to watch, and read rating and much more. But even now the movie industry is fight netflix tooth and nail all the way, the problem i talked about earlier with them. So why would we expect the music industry to handle this any better? Because they have kinda been thru this before with iTunes, and the many other digital music stores.

While not technically the same, you would think they would learn that what the customers want the customers get. Because otherwise you don't have any customers. As of right now, i think Spotify still needs one of the major labels, so it is getting close to being able to board it little boat and ride across that big pond. But why has it taken this long? Ok yeah the labels want to make sure they get paid, enough. But when free alternatives are about, not just straight out pirating either, why not get something out that gives you an income. I know they are like OMG UNLIMITED STREAMING HOW CAN WE HAVE THAT!!! However, even on my free Spotify account, that i had to do a work around to get since you can’t sign up for from the USA, i have a multitude of ads, both as banners, and voice ads, that are no worse then Pandora’s. Very easy to deal with, and if you upgrade to a paid version those go away and you get a bunch of other features as well. Though some of the ads are really funny, I want more UK inspired ads, lol.

So, now you are thinking, you are never going to buy music again right? Well actually since Spotify has a huge catalog of music, and the Spotify app is also a local music player, they actually tell you what music you you don't have and offer to sell you a copy of that song, or whole album if you want. There are songs i would have bought if they where able to accept USA credit cards. For now, however, they only take cards from the countries they are officially lunched in. I would have already upgrade to the premium offer as well if they would let me. Meaning they are actually losing money, ok well not really it is the UK labels and Spotify them self that are losing on me since it not technically here yet. But if they were to embrace the new digital word, granted they are getting close to, they would be making money off me, whatever their percent from the monthly fee is plus all the songs i would buy to finish a CD album, since I am slightly music OCD.

So yes fuck the music labels, they need to embrace new and emerging technically, not run from it in fear because their old model of doing business is falling part in front of them. This applies to the movie industry as well as many others as well. Go with the flow, and make your customers happy, and they will gladly pay you to do it, ok most will, some just like to steal shit but that can’t be helped, so please your paying customers, not punish them to try to hurt the small percent being dicks, which btw doesn’t work. Making us happy, makes you happy in the end. So i am hope everything is signed soon, so i can pay for premium service and for songs i like. But as it stand i will just keep listening to the UK version stuff. It is your call.

A happy birdkeeper using Spotify

Friday, June 10, 2011

D&D mad libs

So you remember the mad lib books, that made a small story? In my oh so tired state, I just got the brilliant idea of dnd mad libs....but instead of just replacing small bits. That you write everything down that is npc shit....and then fill in the rest with all the shit your players do. If you play long enough, you could have a pretty long book, of some fucked up shit. I know that this doesnt sound too off from just playing the game, which you just lost btw, becuase it isn't. You just have to keep very detailed records of everything that goes on. However, if you were to do this I wouldn't tell the players. They might try to fuck it up, and they will if they can. Granted it could make for some "intresting" stories and some fun breaking the 4th wall moments, as well. But no really, if the players know, your mostly everyone friendly story, quickly can turn into a triple X kinda book. From "sam and group save the world from the ugly monster" into "how sally and group......." You know I think I should just stop there. Rofl.

Ok, I think I am really out this time. Peace.
A -still really tired- birdkeeper

My hobby:

Looking at the cars in the parking lot, before going into a building, and then once inside guess who drives what....and some times purposely guessing wrong just for the lawls

Also yes the "my hobby: then something strange for said hobby" i slightly stole from xkcd...and by slightly I mean completely. So you sould check it out at

Time for this birdkeeper to sleep, peace.
A -very tired- birdkeeper

Thursday, June 9, 2011

So more then meh?

Fine, I will say more then just meh. Well what to say then..... Besides I hate people and they should all go die in a hole. >.>
No I am not angry at all, can't you tell. People are just,.... infuriating.. I guess I should actually say stupid people are infuriating. But, even with my limited time here, i find the majority of people stupid. There are just different degrees of stupid. Some are just more tolerable then others. And no, before you accuse me of being a hypocrite or something, I don't think I am immune to the disease of stupidity. I just try, maybe to varied success, to actually think before I act. Thus limiting my stupidity.

Also, no stupidity does not = dumb. At least to me, stupidity to me, is more about not caring and being lazy, and usually being kinda rude about it too, instead of even trying to figure out the answer, or to think about what you are complain about. Or thinking at all for that matter. Stupidity to me is the lack of caring about others, and only going after the instant gratification. Instead of taking one god damn second to figured out the damned fucking answer to your own damn fucking problem, that happens to be right in fucking front of you, if you even cared to look for one fucking second. So no, stupid does not equal dumb, not that you cant be dumb and stupid at the same time. Not that a stupid person, would ever admit to being dumb or stupid, for they are always right and you know nothing about anything at all. No to them you are the dumb one.

Stupid for me, defines the "Me Generation" we are in now. A generation that has taken hold of almost every other generation that came before it as well. It is the instant gratification, the not having to take responsibility for ones on action, the laziness, the self-righteousness, on every level not just the normal moral level, being rude, and all of the other qualities of the "Me Generation" rolled into a single word. Is it the best word? Probably not, but it is usually the word I come back to to describe these people. As I said, am I never one of these people? Maybe, maybe not, but at least I am aware of the stupidity, so I can actively try to change myself. Where others, I fear don't even notice it, or worse, don't care to notice it.

I could go into more details but I don't want to be very specific about what pissed me off, for various reasons. So just take my word when I say that, 1) I can never wait tables for a living ( not directly related just an observation) and 2) I need to stay away from the general public for a while, or i may smash someones head in. The funny part is, this blog was just going to be a general, hey how are you, long time no see, kinda post. But well I guess I needed to rant more.

Ok byes for now,I guess. In the meantime, be happier then I am.
A -pissed off- birdkeeper


Meh, Meh, and some more mehs

So meh for now
a meh birdkeeper

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Don't have friends!

Don't have friends, for they make you help them move. Lol. I kid... kinda. Lol

Not much else is going on really. Though while helping my CO-DM help her family move, we did get some new campaign idea for both groups. Side quest for one, and actual campaign for the new group. Both are ganna be fun, especially the side quest for the current group.

Guess that is all for now, peace for now.
A birdkeeper

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's been one of those kinda days

Ugh, it been one of those kinda days. If i smoked i would have been chain smoking.
It started out ok, got up a little before noon and went and hung out with a friend as we got ready for another friends graduation. But soon after, it just kept falling apart. We finally got it all worked out, ....kinda, just not to how we would have liked. It could have been so much better. O well, alls well that ends ok.

Afterwords though, me and my Co-DM, Witchy_Robyn, and a couple of other friends, along with our graduating friend. Came and just hung out in my basement and made a regular mess of the place, the good kind... well the fun kind anyways. There is now silly string all over the place, since we covered the graduate in silly string. I might upload a picture later if he doesn't mind. Other then that i guess we have now decided to start ANOTHER D&D group. Oh joy, lol i kid i am looking forward to it but me and my Co-DM, have to really get our shit together now. It should be a lot of fun though.I have no idea what our campain story is going to be about for this one.

The other D&D group is going pretty good still. I think we are playing again either tomorrow or day after that. Also thinking about adding some side quest to the story for a couple of different reason. I have some pretty cool idea for the side quest but i think i will wait till later to talk about any of them..... just in case. - looks around nervous- lol. Oh it also looks like the player is going to do the split personality after all. We are so exited about it.
It shal be a lot of fun to work with.

I think that is all for now, if i think of anything else i will update you on it
So Peace for now
A Birdkeeper. ( not The birdkeeper anymore since i am not alone ....-glares at Witchy_Robyn lol )

PS, I am sure this post is filled with misspellings and the wrong words, and horrible grammar. Forgive me i am writing this at 2:15 in the morning. Time to go pass out now.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well, not a whole lot is going on right now. Looks like we will be bring another meamber into our group of D&D, my Co-DM's little bother. Looks like he will be a Drow Ranger. For those that don't know, a drow is basally just a dark elf, black skin and white hair kinda stuff. It will had some ranged attack which is good for us. It will be interesting to see how he does. I will have to adjust somethings now though, which kinda sucks. I am kind of a lazy DM. lol.

I am also trying to get a member of the group to agree to have a magical split personality. Once a day he would have a chance to change characters, based on a dice roll, unbeknownst to the actual character. He would go from a half-elf to a halfling. Which the half-elf is a wizard and the halfling is a really strong palidian. Me and my Co-DM think it would really funny, and we have some side-quest we easily could do with it too. We will see if it pans out or not since i am leaving it up to the player if he wants to do it.

The 3D modeling is working out kinda, i have the town and i might start work on another area soon. Though it didn't work out like i thought it would. I was originally trying to use just a general 3D modeling software. But then i realized i had Neverwinter Nights installed and it had a toolset, with pre-made titles, i could use. It made the town a lot simpler to do.

Also looks like a friend of mine, my Co-DM, now has a blog, here at blogger, as well. So time to go trolling her page. lol. Me and another friend have already said we where going to just troll her all the time. Aren't we great friends?

Outside of all that nothing much else is really going on.
So peace for now
The Birdkeeper,

Oh no, where have i been?

hmm, haven't posted in a while, opps.

Anyways, so what have i been up to? Not much really, still playing D&D with my crazy friends, though we haven't played in like 3 weeks, kinda itching to play again. Hopefully this Saturday we actually get to play. I am planing some crazy things for them, oh did i mention i was the DM for the D&D group? I cant remember if i did or not, well guess i am actually CO-DM, which is cool since we are both learning anyways. Anyways soon we will get to this one area that is going to need to be really detailed and have a lot of information about it. So i am thinking about maybe trying to cook up a 3D model of the area. I think it would be fun and something they wouldn't be expecting. We will see, either way the map of the area will have to be really detailed wither on paper or if i can cook something up the computer. It should be a lot of fun to both play and make it.

Outside of that, been working on my car again lately. Currently starting small and just trying to get new headlights. The problem with that though is it either requires me to find a junker in a salvage yard, to rip them out of, which will be hard to find. Or buy new headlights at 50 bucks a pop. That is $100 for both and to me that a lot of money. After that i need to see if i can find a battery tray thing for my car as well. Which new is 60 bucks as well. But i might be able to find a universal one for cheaper. After the headlight, i will either work on the dash, my lights on the inside don't work. Or figure out how water is leaking into my trunk. Though tonight i think i might of figured out where it getting in. Looks like it might be getting in right above the backup lights. So hopefully that is an easy fix. After those things i don't know what i will try to work on next. But for a complete car noob, i will be happy to just finish these things. Oh i almost forgot i will need to get a new radio/cd player as well. Since the one i had in the car was shit and didn't work most of the time and the one i was going to replace it with, which i rewired all the wires to do as well, is broken it seems. So that sucked but o well they where both old radios. Just a chance to get a new better one. I love my car even if it is a pain sometimes. Speaking of which here is a picture of it, with the dent in the side, from when my friend back into me. lol

Oh how I hate and love this car so much. haha

 Hmm, what else, oh i got banned from gizmodo today. One of their "writers" wrote an article today about blu e-cigs, and instead of just talking about the e-cigs, which have some social feature built in, they decided to instead piss everyone off. By being downright insulting to anyone who has ever smoke or has tried quitting. More so if you are using a e-cig to do it. I have never smoked but i know enough people who do or have that it pissed me off to and the short version is i basically told them to go fuck themselves. While i will kinda miss the ability to post comments on gizmodo, and lifehacker since they banned be on both sites, i honestly think it is better i leave a site who would let one of there writes be so out right disrespectful. Worst, from what i can understand this writer used to be really loved. I wounder if that will still be the same after today.  Guess i will need to be finding me a new home soon, maybe Engadget or Wired. We will see. I will probably still visit lifehacker some but probably not as much as i used to.

Well i guess that is all for now.
The Bird Keeper.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

D&D WOOT! part duo

Pretty much the same as sunday night, worked on characters, made jokes of a sexual nature and ect. Before we left we watched some of firefly, which is still epic by all means and if you haven't watched it you should. Other then that it was a fairly normal night for our friends, keywords being for our friends lol.

Other then that not a whole lot to say so guessing I will stop going on now.
Cya for now
The bird

Monday, March 7, 2011


Went to a friend's house last night to make d&d characters and besides the fact of having to try to teach and/or reteach 4 other people how to make characters when I myself am still regetting used to it, it was a blast. Trying to deal with 4 people was crazy and we didn't get done, finishing up tomorrow, but it was still great fun just can't wait till we actually start playing.

With our friends this d&d campaign is going to be....interesting!?!  We are already making bets on which character gets raped first lol. Doesn't help that they now know I have four pdf d&d books on just sex, they have classes, feat and much more, like STDs and chance of pregnancy. Lol like I said is going to be interesting campaign lol.

Well that is all for now, will probally have more after tomorrows continued character creation session. Might even try to take some picture of the group of misfits. Haha

Cya for now.
The bird

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, histories must forgotten badass. Enough said really. Edison can suck it, and history book really need to be rewritten to include more about tesla. Without Tesla and his inventions, we wouldn't have much, if not all, the things we are used to. Like AC current, and many other things. Even the newer, more energy efficient lightbulbs are based on an inventions of telsa. I hoestly suggest you go read up more on telsa. The man was a brilliant inventor. Much better then edison, who was kinda an ass based on how he treated telsa. Also did edison ever have plans for a death ray? I think not! haha. But no really go read more about telsa, he could be called the father of much of what we have today. It is really crazy what he either invented, helped invent, is based on his work, or actually had ideas about before someone else invented. He theorised that you could pinpoint something based off radio waves bouncing off its surface 17 years before radar was invented. He really is histories most forgotten badass. Help change that, go learn about Nikola Tesla and his legacy.

Cya for now
The bird

Friday, February 18, 2011

Night out

Well went out with friends tonight. As usual had a blast. On the way home had a serious conversation that included the words "dangily bits" in reference to ones penis or lack there of . Yeah my friends can do that, have a completely serious talk yet through in completely odd and funny words but still be serious about it. I love my friends. Other then that, it was a fairly normal night, granted normal for us might not be normal for be everyone else. Was a good night and can't wait to hang out again.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ugh well this was a longer post but the app crashed and lost it all

Meh I had quite a bit written, but since I am writing on my evo I am using the blogger app which just crashed on me.
I was talking about how it is 2am and I can't sleep and watching tv, but I don't feel like typing every thing out again. One thing I would like to rant about again though is. As I sit here watching some music videos on mtv, which I don't normally watch, I am of more cartoon network/adult swim guy myself, I find it sad that the only time to really watch music video on mtv anymore is late at night/early morning. I know it been this way for a while but when exactly did the m in mtv go from music to money? Then to make it worse they made mtv2 which you have to pay for, I think, to get music. Unless they have changed that too. Man how much I would like a station that just played music videos. Not just popular main stream artist either, give me some new underground artist that I would other wise have to use the internet to find. Now that would be great.
Ok well my phone is dying so I need to go now. Will try to keep writing on a simi regular basis.
Peace out
The bird

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well what to say...

     Hmm what to say, well I honestly didn't think i would ever have a blog. I, however, recently decided to try taking it up. Not like anyone i know will find it, unless i give them the address, or a few certain people randomly stumble upon it and understand the name.
     Another reason for writing is, it been a joke with another friends to set up a website for some stuff. I figured regularly writing might show if it would actually be fun to try it out for real.

Well i guess that all for now,
The bird